--> The Importance and Prospects of Growing Cut Flowers | Techpopop


The Importance and Prospects of Growing Cut Flowers

NEXT LESSON The  aesthetic  value of flowers has caught the minds and hearts of people. Flowers are used to express human sentiments and ...


The aesthetic value of flowers has caught the minds and hearts of people. Flowers are used to express human sentiments and beatify the environment. Flowers add color to parks, gardens, and forests. lovers also use flowers to express their feelings. In almost all occasions, flowers have become part of the celebration. Weddings, funerals, All saints day, and social functions are livened up with flowers as decor or symbol. In fact the biggest bulk of cut flower is used during all saints day.

The production of cut flowers is one of the four facets of the floricultural industry.

The job market for cut production is varied.

A high demand for cut flowers due to increased social activities initiated the need for commercial flower production. At first, only outdoor gardens and open fields were used for flower production. Later, as the demand for out-of-season flowers increased, producing flowers in the greenhouse and shades became necessary.






Varieties of Cut Flowers
Several varieties of cut flowers can be grown successfully in the Philippines. The most commonly grown flowers in the Philippines are zinnia, gladiolus, dahlia, carnation, sampaguita, orchid, rose, chrysanthemum, anthurium, viglet, and heliconia. Among these varieties the most popular and commercially raised flowers are orchid, rose, anthurium, heliconia and sampaguita.

Some of the culture of orchids are catleya, vanda, and dendrobiums. Anthurium varieties include nitta, kaumana, khaonaiwan, chandler, ozake, and Baguio white. For heliconia, the varieties you may choose from are red lobster claw, dwarf golden, yellow wilds, golden false bird of paradise, and pink striped. The cultivated varieties of rose are categorized into seven groups according to its petals. These are:
  1. Reds
  2. Yellows
  3. Pinks
  4. Orange
  5. Whites
  6. Lavenders
  7. Floribundas
Factors in Selecting Cut Flower Varieties
In selecting cut flower varieties to grow, the following factors should be taken into consideration:

  1. It should be adapted to existing environmental conditions.
  2. It should bear flowers early.
  3. It must be resistant to pest and diseases.
  4. It must have ability to bear more flowers.
  5. It must have a high market potential.
  6. Its flower must have long storage life and long keeping quality.
  7. Its planting material should be available locally.
Tools and Materials for Cut Flower Production
In cut flower production, whether backyard or commercial in nature, a set of tools and materials is necessary.
  1. For digging and pulverizing the soil- includes the pick mattock, crowbar, heavy hoe, shovel, spade, spading fork, and post hole digger.
  2. For cultivation and weeding- include the hand fork, trowel, rake, light hoe, hand grass scraper, and scythe or sickle.
  3. For transplanting seedlings- includes the transplanting trowel, garden trowel, meter stick, and cord or stick.
  4. For clearing the land for planting- includes the bolo, axe, and scythe or sickle.
  5. Other tools and equipment for general use- include the wheelbarrow, wooden seedling box, hammer, pliers, sieve, hose, sprinkler, pruning shears, sprayer, knife, and saw.
Materials such as planting medium, root medium, rooting hormones, growth regulators, nets, and various containers are also necessary for cut flower production.

Site, Soil and Medium, Climatic Requirements of Cut Flowers

Site. In selecting a site for cut flower production the following factors should be considered;

  1. Varieties to grow. The choice of the variety to grow is very important factor in site selection. There are varieties which can be grown in a small area even without good soil as long as there is sufficient sunlight. Orchids, for instance, are raised in a different medium and can survive without soil.
  2. Topography of the land. Cut flower whether grown in beds, in pots, or in other medium should be located in a flat land with a gentle slope. This will provide good drainage especially during rainy season.
  3. Accessibility to good roads. The site must be located in a place where there are good transportation facilities so that marketing of flowers and purchasing needed materials will not hamper production. If possible, the plantation must be located near highways.
  4. Far from sources of harmful chemicals. Several flowering plants are very sensitive. They have tissues that can easily be damaged or destroyed.
  5. Wind breaks. Wind breaks like ipil-ipil and madre cacao should be provided around the cut flower plantation to protect the flower from strong winds.
  6. Availability of Sunlight. the area or site to be selected for cut flower production whether in beds or in pots should have sufficient light.
  7. Size of production or plantation. In site selection, the size of production should also be given consideration.
  8. Adequate water supply. All varieties of cut flower need sufficient amount of water for existence specially during the early stages of growth. The site of cut flower production should be therefore located near adequate water supply.
Soil type and medium. In growing cut flowers, the soil type should be properly selected to ensure good production. Soil can be categorized into two types, namely, light and heavy soils. Light soils are easier to cultivate than heavy soils.
For cut flower production, the best type of soil is sandy loam and silty loam which is fertile enough to promote healthy growth. Cut flower except orchids are primarily raised in the fields. However, some farmer raise cut flowers using greenhouse especially when they growing varieties that are out of season.. in the greenhouse method, the raiser makes use of improvised beds, pots, and other similar containers which has its advantages.
The medium for orchids and anthurium differs from other varieties of cut flowers. These plants thrive best in a root medium such as coconut husk, sugarcane bagasse, rice hull, and charcoal or a combination of these materials. Some successful raisers use charcoal as root medium and have found it to be the most effective.
Orchids can also be grown in barks and in fern trees as their medium. This requires more frequent fertilization, however, as compared to those raised in pots and grown in shades.

Climate. The climatic requirements of different varieties of cut flower vary. some varieties of orchids and anthurium can be grown in warm places while other thrive well in cool temperate regions. Although the climatic requirement for different varieties of cut flowers vary, they can be raised in any place provided that adaptation measures are practiced. Adaptation can be done by hardening and accumulation.

Cultural Management Practices in Cut Flower Production

The following cultural management practices are recommended for different cut flower varieties.

Air Orchids
Air orchids are planted and propagated by following these procedures.
Preparation of planting materials. Planting materials for orchids can be prepared in three ways. These are by seeds, by division using bulbs or rhizomes, and by keikies formation.
Seed for planting are collected from mature flowers. They are sun-dried for two to five hours depending upon the intensity of the sun's heat.
Orchids can either be monopodial or sympodial. Monopodial orchids possess only one growing tip and grow only in one direction. Sympodial orchids, on the other hand, have fleshy stems or pseudobulbs that grow from the base of the plants. These pseudobulbs are sometimes used as planting materials.
Preparation of planting medium. Air orchids are usually grown in tree ferns, stumps, and driftwood. The most commonly used trees media are frangipani, glicirida septum, and madre de cacao. These are prepared by securing a tree stump or drift wood with several branches.

Methods of planting. Planting orchids in tree ferns, stumps, or driftwoods, is simple. Press the base of the cuttings or germinated seedlings to a stump or driftwood with the newest plantlet facing inward next to the stump. Secure the plant firmly into the stump or driftwood with a string or plastic coated wire. The base of the plantlet must be firmly attached to the stump so that the plantlet will not wobble.
When planting in a pot, place the plant or plantlets at the topmost layer of charcoal and secure it to support such as a bamboo stick firmly placed in the pot. Cover the roots of the new plants with several pieces of charcoal.
Application of fertilizer. The amount and kind of fertilizer required by orchid plants depends on its growing condition, stage of development, and planting medium. Orchids grown in tree ferns, driftwoods, and pots require frequent fertilizer application because these plants are more exposed to air and sunlight hence leaching of fertilizer is rapid. to ensure maximum fertilizer response, the following gidelines in feeding air orchids is recommended;

  1. Use organic or natural fertilizer as much as possible. Organic fertilizer contains hormones which are essential for good growth.
  2. Fertilizer application should be done at least once a week.
  3. If inorganic fertilizer is used, opt for complete fertilizer like 30-10-10 or 10-30-20 prepared at the rate of one level teaspoon to a galoon of water.
  4. For orchids in the blooming stage, use gabiota or 18-18-18 at the rate of one teaspoonful for every one to one and a half galoon of water. application should be done in a foliar form once a week.
  5. Do not over water the plants because this will cause the fertilizer to leach. 
Ground Orchids
Preparation of planting materials. Planting materials for ground orchids is relatively the same as in air orchids. The most common planting materials, however, are seeds and top cuttings which are best used to propagate vandas and other monopodial ground orchids.

Preparation of soil for planting. Select a sloppy or well-drained site for planting ground orchids and make a layout of the desired beds. Dig and pulverize the soil to teen inches deep. Provide timber planks at the sides of the desired bed. An interval of one to one and one half feet apart is ideal to save space but not overcrowd the plants.

Methods of planting. If seeds are used as planting materials, these can be sown one inch deep to the granite beds. Keep the granite moist as long as seed germination has not taken place. After germination the rate of watering should be controlled.
When using tops cuttings, plant these on the beds near the base of each post. plant at least four cuttings for each post.
Application of fertilizer. Fertilizer application in ground orchids depends on the amount of organic fertilizer used during the bed preparation. If the amount incorporated is sufficient, application of fertilizer could be done six months or more after planting. If the amount provided, however is inadequate application of fertilizer should be done one or two months after planting.

Other Cut Flowers
Preparation of planting materials. Chrysanthemums, roses, sampaguitas, and several varieties of carnation are propagated by cuttings. Stem or terminal shoot cuttings rooted and alive with five to six inches new growth produce excellent plants. each cutting should be four to five inches long. trim the leaves with a sharp knike so that one-third of the leaf is leaf attached to the stem. Cuttings should be planted in clean, sterile, and moist sandy soil about one-half of the length of the cuttings.
Preparation of soil for planting. Soil preparation for other cut flower includes clearing, leveling and/or terracing, plowing and harrowing thoroughly before raised beds are prepared.
Methods of planting. in planting zinnias and dahlias, the seeds can be sown directly into field at a distance of 30 to 40cm between hills and 50 to 60cm between rows.
Chrysanthemums, roses, sampaguitas, and other varieties of carnation are propagated by cuttings which can be directly planted to the field or rooted first in beds before transplanting. Allowing the cuttings to produce roots in a nursery bed before transplanting is better than direct planting because there is higher survival rate.
Roses and sampaguitas can be planted at a distance of 30 to 80cm  between rows and 60 to 80cm between hills while chrysanthemums can be planted 40 to 50cm between rows and 60 to 80cm between hills.
Cut flower which are propagated by division, bulbs, or rhizomes like gladiola and anthuriums are planted directly into the field. Planting materials are prepared by splitting the mother plants so that each division has healthy buds. Anthuriums are planted into the field with a distance of 25 to 30cm between rows and 50 to 60cm between hills. plant gladiola at a distance of 30 to 40cm between rows and 60 to 80cm between hills.

Application of fertilizer. If organic matter is available, its incorporation with soil should be done during the first plowing to permit complete decomposition before planting time. If organic matter is not available, basal application of complete fertilizer can be done at the rate of three bags per hectare. The second application can be side-dressed before the flowering stage.
To avoid excessive application of fertilizer, feed the plants with small amounts nitrogen and phosphorous often rather than giving a heavy application at one time.

Crop Protection
Like other crops, cut flower plants are also affected by pests and diseases, and if not properly prevented and controlled will bring serious damage in production.

The common pest of cut flower;
  • aphids
  • slugs
  • scale insects
  • mites
  • caterpillars
  • lepidopterous insects
  • Mealybugs
Any insecticide for the said insects are applicable to be use.

The common diseases of cut flower;

  • damping-off
  • bacterial blight
  • rhizoctonia diseases
  • freckie or black spot
Harvesting, Post-Harvest Handling, and Marketing

Harvesting of cut flower should be done early in the morning or late in the afternoon to reduce respiration and transpiration. Harvesting at midnoon is possible if there is no direct sunlight or when the weather is cool.
Flowers should be handled carefully after harvest or before they are marketed. For longer storage life and keeping quality, respiration, transpiration, and the rate of cell division of cell division should be reduced in cut flower. This can be done by submersing the stem of the newly cut flower to a solution consisting of hydrazine sulfate, manganese sulfate, sugar solution, or a solution consisting of potassium, aluminum sulfate, sodium hypochlorite, and ferric oxide. Commercially available preparations like Flora life and bloomlife can be used. Cut flower should not be exposed to high levels of ethylene gas since this will cause them to wilt and shorten their marketability.
Flowers should be packed in small volumes. The package should be non-water absorbent, gas-proof, and sufficiently strong to withstand handling, Cellophane or plastic are the most suitable packing materials for cut flower.

Flower Arrangement
Not everyone is endowed with skills in flower arrangement, a working knowledge of the elements of atr such as balance, emphasis, color combination, layout, properties of lines and curvatures, and the occasion or purpose for which the flower is intended can help any beginner in the art of flower arrangement.

The following principles can be applied to achieved successful flower arrangement;

  1. Group flowers to achieve a balance effect. select flowers with good variation in shape and color to make the arrangement more attractive.
  2. Good variation of stem length is also necessary. Never place two flowers of the same length side by side.
  3. Keep larger flower within the center of the arrangement and the smaller ones scattered throughout the arrangement to give it a light touch.
  4. All the stem should appear to radiate from the tallest flower in the arrangement.
  5. Never cross stems in the arrangement.
  6. Position the stems so that the flower head is exactly where you want it. Never move a flower head after the stem has been secured.
  7. Leave enough space for each flower in an arrangement especially buds which will open and expand. Do not overcrowd the flowers.
  8. Use at least three kinds of flowers in a mix flower arrangement.
  9. Provide broken lines around the edge of the arrangement. This can be created by having the flowers in the outline arranged at different lengths so that they give a ragged impression and not a trimmed look.
  10. Never make the main flower in the center of an arrangement look too obvious.
  11. When creating a facing arrangement, always remember to fill the back with leaves to hide the netting and give the flower arrangement a finished look.
  12. Arrangement should never look flat when they are viewed from the sides.
  13. Consider the size and shape of the container when choosing the plant materials you will use and the style of the arrangement.
  14. Arrange the flowers where they will finally be viewed if possible.

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Materials,1,instrumental music,1,Insurance,1,integrated,1,integrated farming system,1,intentional injuries,4,interesting life,1,internet,2,internet protocol IP,1,intracellular components,1,introvert,1,investing,1,IP adress,1,IPCRF,2,Japan,1,java,1,jobs,10,journal,1,jump,1,K to 12,254,Kanlurang Asya,2,keywords,3,kidnapping,1,kids,1,kindergarten,6,kinematics,1,Kompetisyon,1,kontinente,1,Korea,1,kultura,2,labor code,6,labor law,5,land preparation,2,langis,1,laptop,1,latitude,1,law,2,LDM2 Portfolio,1,Lead the Field,13,leadership1,2,Learners Materials,3,learning,5,learning materials,102,learning Modules,5,lecture,2,legumes,1,LET,1,life,3,life science,1,link,1,literacy,1,Literary,1,literature,1,location,1,logo,1,lokasyon,1,longitude,1,losing weight,1,love,1,low paying,1,loyalty,1,magic from the brain,1,Magnus Effect,1,magsasaka,1,manage emotion,1,manage thoughts,1,management function,1,Mapeh,34,Mapeh 8,2,Mapeh 9,16,Market Economy,1,marketer,1,marketing,2,Masonry,1,master 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buttons,1,quail,1,quails,2,qualitative,2,quantitative,1,quarterly exam,18,quartz,1,question,1,questioning,1,Questionnaire,3,questions,1,quick fix,1,race,1,raga,1,Raising,1,rasa,1,ratio,1,read,1,reading,1,record,2,Rectal,1,recycle,1,recycled,1,reference,1,regions,1,relihiyon,1,Renaissance,2,research,7,research paper,1,Resources of Income,1,response,1,retire,1,Reviewer,1,reviewing literature,1,revolution,1,Rice Production,3,rich,6,risk,1,Risk Reduction,1,Rizal,1,rock,1,roles,1,roots,1,RPMS Manual,1,rule in creating video,1,rules,1,run,1,S.Y.:2022-2023,1,sacrifice,1,salary,1,Salary adjustment,1,scalar,1,scams,1,scanner,1,schedule,2,scholar,1,school calendar,1,School Forms,1,school head,1,Science,16,scientific notation,1,Second Quarter Mapeh,2,secondary,1,secrets,2,seedlings,1,self reliance,1,self-discipline,1,self-inflicted injuries,2,selling,3,selling other's product,1,selling video,1,Senior High Sch,26,Senior High School,10,SEO,1,separation,1,separation pay,1,sexual abuse,1,Silangang Asya,1,SIM,1,single conjunction,1,skills,4,smarter,3,social media,5,Social Studies,1,society,1,soil sampling,1,soybean,1,Speech,1,speed,1,spice,2,Spice crops,5,spoiled,1,SSG,1,stalking,1,states of matter,1,Statistics,2,stories,2,structure,1,students,2,study,1,sub menu,1,subscribers,1,success,2,successful,3,sukat,1,Sumerian,1,sunflower,1,suplay,1,supply,1,system,1,tags,1,tala,1,tanso,1,TAX,2,Teachers,6,Teachers Guide,1,Teachers Personal Forms,1,teaching,2,teaching degree,1,Teaching Guide,49,Technical Drafting,2,Technical Evaluation,1,techniques,2,technological monopoly,1,techpopop,1,term paper,4,TESDA,1,test,1,The Millionaire Fastlane,13,The Richest Man in Babylon,7,Theatre,1,theme,1,Therapist,1,thesis,4,things,1,think,1,threshing,1,throws,1,Timog Asya,1,Timog Silangang Asya,1,TLE,92,TLE 10,10,TLE IV,37,tool,2,toolbox,1,toolkit,1,topic,1,TOS,3,tourist spot,4,track and field,2,Tradisyonal na Ekonomiya,1,traffic,1,TRAIN,1,transaction,1,trust,1,tungsten,1,tutorial,1,Unang Kabihasnan,1,Unang Tao,1,unexpected,1,units,1,UPCAT,2,upgrading,2,UST,1,Value,1,vector,1,vegetable,1,verbal abuse,1,vermicomposting,1,vermiculture,1,vermiworms,1,video,4,Video Lesson,7,video title,1,videos,3,viewers,3,Violence,1,Vocal,1,Vocal Music,2,VPN,1,Walang Pasok,1,walk,1,waste,1,waste management,1,website,1,welcome,1,welding,1,wika,2,William Strunk Jr.,2,work,1,work plan,1,workspace,1,world,1,worms,1,worry,1,wrestling,1,writing,3,yamang likas,4,yamang mineral,1,Yamang Tao,1,your story,1,youth,1,YouTube,12,zambia,1,Zero to one,9,zinc,1,Zumba,1,
Techpopop: The Importance and Prospects of Growing Cut Flowers
The Importance and Prospects of Growing Cut Flowers
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